Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

a posting about sorrow

i always dreamt that i could stand still for you
but i can't, i can't kept this relationship
because i don't want a long distance relationship
so, for remembering our day
the day that we are first time to be together
if we are in a relationship right now...
i want to say happy anniversary the 1st, if we are together

PS: i know it's late for few days, but it doesn't matter, hope u see this

my deepest apologies

btw, apakah Kriss S.V.D trmasuk snjata  banci, hueheh, dikik dri room molo niih. TT_TT 

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steven? sapa tuh?

gw adalah seorang anak kecil yg belagak nulis diary tpi tanpa follower dan seorang plagiator dari blogger beken bernama Raditya Dika, oh iya, gw brnama Steven, lahir di tmpat seorang bidan bernama Mak Erot (hah?), msi SMP 2, tpi brpikiran layaknya seorang 'Dewasa'..